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Artificial Intelligence – A new ever evolving field to make this world a better place.
Artificial Intelligence – A new ever evolving field to make this world a better place. The world is becoming a smaller place, not in terms of geographical area but in terms of information and knowledge sharing. But in this high pace world it is important that there is continuous, correct and complete input of information for efficient and effective decision making. The business spectrum of Man Machine, Material and Method has evolved over time and business is moving towards a defect free automated world, where time is of essence. The repetitive and predictable part of work is automated, big chunks of data is analyzed and shared seamlessly improving end user experience.
If we look around it is overwhelming to note how much of our work is automated, and how easily real time data is shared, be it in any forms, texts, pictures, voices, audio visuals. The world of information and knowledge has become very creative, engaging and attractive, and all this is by using Artificial Intelligence.
At the outset, Artificial Intelligence, may sound a highly complicated and far off subject, but take a look, all it is about algorithms, special software and hardware is needed to build and write programs using computer language like Python, Java, C++ etc. to write machine learning algorithms. And the machine then recognizes repetitive patterns, can predict results based on data analysis, it can recognize faces, voices, customer behavior patterns and interact with the end user in real time.
Let’s take a look at the usage of AI in day-to-day life and business. AI uses large chunks of data and analyses it for correlation to predict future and algorithms are written accordingly. AI uses cognitive skills like Learning, Reasoning, Self-Correction and Creativity to predict future status. Choosing the correct algorithm, making changes based on continuous learning to produce near accurate results and also to predict most accurate creative content is what makes AI important for business and life in general.
Artificial Intelligence – What can it do?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a set of technologies that enable machines to perform advanced functions that are like human being, like
- Language skills: understanding, translating spoken and written language.
- Recognizing pictures: can relate pictures to data and detailing.
- Analyzing data: process large amounts of data to recognize patterns and make recommendations.
- Learning: update and adjust to new inputs.
- Problem solving: solve problems suggest actions to achieve specific goals.
- Creativity: AI can be creative
Artificial Intelligence – Why is it needed?
Artificial Intelligence – A new ever evolving field to make this world a better place. To err is human, we have learned and lived with this philosophy. People make mistakes, AI does not, it is as simple as that. All repetitive tasks with zero error, in real time and with no holidays or breaks. Imagine the productivity rise it gives to the business. AI can analyze large chunks of data and correlate it without missing any point, which in effect boosts research and innovation. From connecting an automobile to the customer to detecting early signs of cancer, all this has become humanly possible by use of AI.
AI provides the cutting edge to businesses, big businesses like Google, Microsoft, Apple etc have very effectively used AI to enhance their market share, we know the place a search engine has in a person’s life, and how effective AI has made the search engines. Auto mobile manufacturing, Entertainment, Education, Health, Lifestyle, Travel, you name it, every industry is using AI to increase customer reach. Effective use of AI gives you an edge, its detail oriented (no input is missed), doesn’t get daunted by heavy data can easily analyze and correlate, saves time, is consistent, increases productivity, no man-hour constraints, can be customized and scaled to any level, optimizes processes, accelerates research and development and is sustainable.
There is surely another side too, like with every improvement there are some advantages and disadvantages of using AI. A few of them could be, it is technically complex, and it expense to induct. Though cost effective but AI is surely an expensive tool. Because it is every evolving technically complex tool there is continuous need of trained professionals, the talent gap is a major concern. Also there can be algorithm biases, though this may sound strange but due to the data input there are possibilities of algorithm biases and on a large scale it effects the business, the case study AI hiring tool for Amazon preferring male candidates was flawed, similarly AIU cannot detect and predict the human behavior nuances and cannot predict future status, especially in case of hiring tools. AI is purely data driven and human behavior cannot be generalized only by data, this puts a limit to the extent of use of AI in fields related to direct human connect or conflict. AI can only do what has been done, but for novice situation AI has limited usage, same is the case in use of language, it can work to a certain level of excellence while working in English but if the input language is changed it may or may not be equally effective. There is a continuous uproar that AI may displace repetitive jobs and might create misbalance in society. With AI, a lot of information becomes available to many increasing the vulnerability and data theft threats. With usage of high-end machines, the carbon footprint rises, and it is a concern for climate. Technology is growing fast, but the related laws are not up to the mark. For instance, poets, designers and other innovators creative people have IPR but not algorithm writers. AI is needed for growth but is complex and the peripheral support system needs to cope up for us to make the most of AI.
AI – The Indian scenario
India the worlds fasts growing economy aiming to be five trillion in near future, with this aim it is only natural that the country has adapted the use of AI extensively. AI is used almost all the industries and in an indigenous way, the Indian researchers and service providers are akin to the idea of using AI to improve end user experience. Recently Reliance Industries Ltd, one of the biggest industries in India announced its plan to launch AI tool for the use of commoner in India and make AI accessible to the ordinary. The government is redesigning policies and opening doors for collaboration to being in new technologies and know how to develop in-house tools in the country. In a scenario like this is it only right that generation Z has plethora of opportunities to learn grow and build a career from.
AI – The next career
That AI is the next tool for a career aspirant. The best part is that all it takes to learn is basic cognitive skills and aptitude, with moderate graduation level education one can easily start exploring career in the field of AI. There is scope and the field is vast, one can find his or her own career path based on the qualification and interest. There are plenty of learning platforms, providing education and training. Anyone with focus and determination can begin and make a career in AI.
From generic to specific fields, there are innumerous career opportunities in AI, one can become Big Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Machine Learning engineer, Researcher, Data Analyst or a Product Manager, it is an emerging field, so there are innumerous opportunities which are open for anyone who decides to make a career in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
The more you know it the more you want to learn, that is the field of AI. So, learn, grow and do your bit in making this world a better place.
AI – Entrepreneurship
As we have discussed earlier, AI is being used in multiple businesses and with time the reach will keep growing, therefore a niche will be created for individuals who wish to specialize in designing, developing and customizing machine learning tools, data analysis tools or customer interface tools and other such process and business oriented tools using artificial intelligence. We can see many startups in the field of AI and the trend will only move upwards. With the growth in industry data collection, mining and analyzing will be a core competence which will differentiate the best from the good business models. Business strategy will depend on the use of AI based predictions and people with such skills will have immense employment or entrepreneurship opportunities.
AI – Learning opportunities
A time may come in near future where Ai will be taught at school level itself, currently one can learn use of AI at any stage in the learning curve. If you have an eye for data and inclination towards process mapping, then you are equipped with the basic needs to begin learning AI. It may seem daunting at first but as you learn the subject, one can say it grows on you. The field is vast, the career opportunities are limitless, and the subject is evolving and interesting, so it is highly recommended that whoever wishes to know how data is collected, collaborated, analyzed and used for predictions must learn AI.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. What is AI? Why is AI needed?
Artificial Intelligence is the next generation tool for business, it’s a set of technologies which enables machines to perform tasks similar to human cognition.
Q2. Will AI be useful in India?
AI will unlock the potential in India in various industries, like Healthcare, Agriculture, Education, Logistics, Cybersecurity, Finance, Entertainment, Social Development and many more.
Q3. What are the job opportunities in the field of AI in India?
one can become Big Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Machine Learning engineer, Researcher, Data Analyst a Product Manager or even an entrepreneur.
Q4. Should I know coding to learn AI?
Coding skills are not necessary for end users of AI powered applications as the tools / applications like chatbots, voice assistants, search engines etc. are user friendly for non-coders.
Q5. Is Coding necessary for a career in AI? Which coding language should I learn?
Coding is generally considered crucial for developing AI algorithms, and data science. Python is considered a popular choice due to its simplicity and ease of use.
Q6. When / what age should I start to learn AI? What is the basic qualification to learn AI?
A basic graduation in any field with an eye for data and ability to understand logic and desire to learn will be good enough to begin.
Q7. Is it expensive to learn AI in India?
AI is an ever-evolving education, therefore continuous education and training and constant upgradation in knowledge and skill is recommended, the cost of which varies across training hubs.
Q8. Where to learn AI in Delhi
There are many places to learn AI from, if you are in south Delhi, I would recommend Spark Computer Education