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HomeCareerDU 4th Semester English Fluency Important Question Answer

DU 4th Semester English Fluency Important Question Answer

Q:- What does the title Lost Word tells us about the poem?

The title “Lost Word” suggests that the poem may revolve around the theme of something valuable or significant that has been misplaced, forgotten, or lost. This “lost word” could be a metaphor for an idea, emotion, memory, or even a literal word that holds importance within the context of the poem. The title creates an anticipation for the reader to discover what the lost word is and how its absence or rediscovery contributes to the overall meaning or message of the poem.

1. The poem is about forgetting a specific word. This is the most literal interpretation, and it suggests that the poem will explore the feeling of frustration and loss that can come with forgetting something important.

2. The poem is about a lost ability to express oneself. The “lost word” could be a metaphor for a deeper loss of language, communication, or even identity. The poem might explore the consequences of this loss and the struggles to regain it.

3. The poem is about something that has been silenced or suppressed. The “lost word” could represent a forbidden topic, a marginalized voice, or a history that has been hidden. The poem might explore the process of rediscovering or reclaiming this lost word.

4. The poem is about a universal human experience of searching for meaning. The “lost word” could be a symbol for something that is difficult to define or articulate, such as love, loss, or the meaning of life. The poem might explore the process of searching for these elusive concepts. DU 4th Semester English Fluency Important Question Answer

Ultimately, the specific meaning of the title “Lost Word” will depend on the content and themes of the poem itself. However, the title clearly suggests that the poem will deal with some kind of loss, silence, or inability to express oneself. It is likely to be a poem that is both personal and universal, exploring themes that resonate with all readers.

Q:-2 Why is it difficult for women to have a voice?

  1. Historical Context:
    • In many societies, women have been traditionally assigned roles that are more domestic and less public. This historical division of labor has influenced perceptions about the value and relevance of women’s voices in public discourse. DU 4th Semester English Fluency Important Question Answer
  2. Cultural Norms and Expectations:
    • Cultural norms and expectations often dictate how women should behave and what roles they should play in society. These norms can limit the opportunities for women to express their opinions and be heard, especially in certain conservative or patriarchal societies.
  3. Gender Stereotypes:
    • Stereotypes about women’s capabilities and characteristics can hinder their ability to be taken seriously in various fields. Stereotypes may cast women as emotional, less rational, or less capable in leadership roles, limiting the perceived validity of their voices.
  4. Structural Inequality:
    • Structural inequalities, such as unequal access to education, employment opportunities, and leadership positions, contribute to limiting women’s voices. If women are not given equal opportunities to participate in various sectors, their perspectives are less likely to be represented. DU 4th Semester English Fluency Important Question Answer
  5. Sexual Harassment and Discrimination:
    • Fear of sexual harassment or discrimination can silence women, making them hesitant to speak out in certain environments. The prevalence of such behaviors in workplaces or public spaces can create an atmosphere where women feel unsafe expressing their opinions.
  6. Institutional Barriers:
    • Institutional barriers, including discriminatory policies and practices, can impede women’s progress in various fields. Limited representation of women in decision-making positions can contribute to policies that do not adequately address women’s concerns. DU 4th Semester English Fluency Important Question Answer
  7. Socialization Patterns:
    • From a young age, societal norms often shape individuals differently based on their gender. Boys may be encouraged to be assertive and express their opinions, while girls may be socialized to be more reserved or agreeable. This socialization can carry into adulthood, affecting how women approach expressing their views. DU 4th Semester English Fluency Important Question Answer
  8. Intersectionality:
    • Women’s experiences are also shaped by factors such as race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and sexual orientation. Intersectionality adds layers of complexity, as women from marginalized groups may face additional challenges in having their voices heard.

Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach, involving changes in societal attitudes, policies that promote gender equality, and efforts to challenge and overcome deeply ingrained stereotypes and biases. Encouraging diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities for women in all aspects of life can contribute to empowering women to find and assert their voices.


Saturday, March 3, 2012
9:45 p.m., Home
Dear Diary,
I’m so upset!! I don’t even know where to begin!
To start off, I think I completely failed my geometry test, which I know I should’ve
studied more for…my dad’s not gonna be happy about that. :(Then, we had a surprise test
in history on the reading homework from last night, and I completely forgot most of what I
read, which made me even more upset because I actually did the reading! But what really
made me mad was the note that Sargam slipped into my bag during lunch period. She said
she was sad that I’ve been hanging out with Jasmine more lately and thinks that I don’t
want to be her friend anymore. I can’t believe she thinks that, especially after talking with
her on the phone for hours and hours last month! Just because I’ve been hanging out with
Jasmine a little more than usual doesn’t mean I’m not her friend anymore. She completely
blew me off at lunch, and when I told Jasmine, she thought that Sargam was being a
“drama queen.”
This is just what I need! My parents are getting on my case about doing more
extracurricular activities, I have a huge project due for my English class soon, and I can’t
understand a thing in Sanskrit! The last thing I need is for my best friend to think I hate her
and barely text me back anymore.
Uggh! I can’t concentrate on anything right now because of it. I hope she gets over it!!!

Q:- 4(a)  What did you do ……………………. your birthday?
(b) It is cool ……………………………. night.
(c) It will be ready …………………… Thursday.
(d) How do you go ……………………………… college?
(e) Keep ……………………………… the grass.
(f) You are ………………………………… time.
(g) The cup fell ………………………………. the shelf.
(h) He is ……………………………… Serious trouble.
(i) I’ll meet you ………………………….. the New Delhi Railway Station

[Answer: a) on, b) at, c) by, d) to, e) off, f) on, g) off, h) in, i) at]

Q:- 5 What is a CV? How to Write a CV (Curriculum Vitae)

jugadme team

43/12, Anna Nagar (East)
Phone : + 919xxxxx82
e-mail : [email protected]
Career Objective
To find a position as a primary school teacher in a progressive school that allows teachers to
be creative with the syllabus.
Course College/University/Board Year Marks
B.Ed. Indira Gandhi National Open University 2018 63%
BA(H) Hindi Kirori Mal College, Delhi University 2016 60%
XII St. Marks School, Delhi 2013 85%
Work Experience
• Taught at St. Mary’s School, Delhi Cantt. from July to December 2019. I taught Hindi
to classes I- V.
• Taught at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Janakpuri, from October 2018 to June 2019.
• Got second position in BA(H) Hindi in Delhi University, 2016
• Acted in plays produced by the theatre group of my college ‘Drishti’.

Date of birth : ././.
Gender : Female
Marital status : Single
Nationality : Indian
Languages known : Tamil, Hindi, English
• Acting is my hobby and I can teach it to the students, if required.
• Fond of travelling and writing.
1. Professor name
Department of Hindi Principal
University of Delhi Central School, Janakpuri
Delhi-110007 New Delhi 110058

Q:- 6 Write a few lines about Nizamuddin Auliya, the famous Sufi saint. 

Nizamuddin Auliya, also known as Hazrat Nizamuddin, was a renowned Sufi saint and spiritual leader in 14th-century India. Born in 1238 in Badayun, Uttar Pradesh, he became one of the most revered figures in the Chishti order of Sufism. Nizamuddin Auliya was a beacon of love, tolerance, and mysticism, advocating a path of devotion and spiritual closeness to God.

His teachings emphasized the importance of universal love, compassion, and service to humanity. Nizamuddin Auliya’s khanqah (Sufi hospice) in Delhi became a center for spiritual learning, attracting disciples and seekers from various backgrounds. He was known for his humility and simplicity, often living a frugal life devoted to prayer, meditation, and helping the less fortunate.

Nizamuddin Auliya’s spiritual legacy endured through his poetry and the anecdotes of his life, captured in works such as the “Fawa’id al-Fu’ad” and “Risala-i-Ansari.” His disciple, the famous poet Amir Khusro, played a significant role in preserving and spreading his teachings through his literary contributions.

Even after his death in 1325, the dargah (tomb) of Hazrat Nizamuddin in Delhi remains a place of pilgrimage, drawing people of diverse backgrounds seeking solace and spiritual guidance. His teachings continue to inspire individuals on the path of Sufism, emphasizing the transformative power of love and devotion in the pursuit of a deeper connection with the divine. DU 4th Semester English Fluency Important Question Answer 

Q:- 7 Describe the kind of sunlight that Amalkanti wanted to be. What does this tell
us about the dual perspective in the poem?

In the poem “Amalkanti,” the titular character desires to become sunlight, but not the literal kind. His yearning is for a specific type of sunlight that embodies several qualities:

1. Inspiration and Illumination: Amalkanti wants to be the light that sparks ideas, ignites creativity, and banishes darkness. He seeks to be the source of knowledge and understanding, dispelling ignorance and confusion. This desire reveals his intellectual curiosity and yearning for a life of illumination, both for himself and others.

2. Warmth and Comfort: The sunlight Amalkanti craves is not harsh or blinding, but gentle and comforting. He wants to bring warmth and solace to others, to be a source of positive energy that lifts spirits and eases burdens. This longing for warmth suggests a compassionate nature and a desire to make a positive impact.

3. Ephemeral and Unsung: Unlike the permanent sun in the sky, Amalkanti’s desired sunlight is transient, like the fleeting rays that dance through leaves or the glow of fireflies in the evening. This ephemerality speaks of his humility and acceptance of his limitations. He doesn’t seek to be a permanent fixture but rather a fleeting moment of beauty and joy.DU 4th Semester English Fluency Important Question Answer 

  • Amalkanti’s Perspective: He sees himself confined to a mundane job, unable to fulfill his dream of being a source of inspiration. This perspective emphasizes the limitations and frustrations of everyday life.
  • The Speaker’s Perspective: While acknowledging Amalkanti’s unfulfilled desire, the speaker also sees the beauty and impact of his actions. He finds sunlight in the books that Amalkanti prints and in the dreams he inspires in others. This perspective highlights the potential for finding meaning and fulfillment even in seemingly ordinary circumstances.

Therefore, the kind of sunlight Amalkanti desires is not just a physical phenomenon, but a metaphor for his aspirations and values. It reveals his yearning for a life of intellectual growth, compassion, and fleeting moments of beauty that leave a lasting impact, even if he himself doesn’t receive recognition. This duality of perspectives adds depth and complexity to the poem, prompting us to consider the different ways we find meaning and fulfillment in life.

Q:- 8 Are the students in the poem able to achieve their goals? Is Amalkanti able to
fulfil his dream?

Amalkanti” achieve their goals is left ambiguous, open to interpretation. The poem focuses more on their aspirations and the impact Amalkanti has on their dreams rather than providing concrete outcomes.

  • Amalkanti’s influence: The poem clearly shows Amalkanti’s influence on students. He inspires them to dream, to seek knowledge, and to find beauty in the world around them. He becomes their “silent sun,” igniting their imaginations and pushing them to strive for more.
  • Individual journeys: However, the poem doesn’t explicitly show whether each student achieves their specific goals. Their paths are left open-ended, each likely facing their own challenges and successes. Some might achieve their dreams, while others might take different paths but still carry the spark of Amalkanti’s inspiration.

Similarly, Amalkanti’s own dream of becoming sunlight is not explicitly fulfilled. He remains a printer, bound to his daily tasks. However, the poem suggests a deeper meaning to his work. The books he prints become vessels of knowledge and inspiration, carrying his “silent sun” to others. In this sense, he achieves a different kind of fulfillment, one of indirect impact and the satisfaction of nurturing potential in others.

The poem’s ambiguity here is deliberate. It invites us to consider the various ways dreams can manifest. Not all goals are achieved in the traditional sense, but the journey itself and the impact on others can be equally fulfilling. Amalkanti, through his dedication and influence, becomes a symbol of this alternative path, where dreams may not take the expected form but still leave a lasting legacy.

Ultimately, the poem celebrates the power of inspiration and the ripple effect of even seemingly ordinary actions. It encourages us to look beyond immediate outcomes and recognize the value of nurturing potential, both in ourselves and in others, regardless of whether our dreams take the form we initially envisioned.

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