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HomeजानकारियाँWhy Is Samosa Banned In Somalia?

Why Is Samosa Banned In Somalia?

Why Is Samosa Banned In Somalia?

Why Is Samosa Banned In Somalia?- It is being said that Somalia’s extremist group says that the shape of the samosa is triangular and it resembles the holy symbol of the Christian community, so it was banned. In today’s time, we give a lot of importance to samosas and also like to eat them in breakfast. And this snack of India which is available in every corner of the street and there is a demand for samosas in most of the parties, so what is the secret of not eating samosas

Why Is Samosa Banned In Somalia?

where is samosa banned

While on one hand samosas are liked all over the world, there is a ban on eating and making samosas in the African country of Somalia. Here, if any person eats samosa or makes and sells it, he is punished severely. There are many people in this country who have been punished because of samosas. Why Is Samosa Banned In Somalia?

why samosa banned

The reason for banning samosas has already been told to you, however, on the other hand, regarding the ban on samosas, it is said that in Somalia, samosas were sold stuffed with rotten meat, due to which it was banned.


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